Home Buyers Calgary – A Comprehensive Guide to Buying a House in Calgary

Buying a home is one of the most significant financial decisions you’ll ever make. If you’re considering buying a home in Calgary, this guide will help you navigate the process, understand the market, and make informed choices.

1. Understanding the Calgary Real Estate Market

Current Market Trends

  • Housing Prices: Calgary’s real estate market fluctuates with economic conditions. Keep an eye on current trends, average home prices, and future forecasts.
  • Market Conditions: Check whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market. This will affect your negotiating power and strategy.

Types of Homes

  • Detached Homes: Standalone houses, often with yards.
  • Semi-Detached Homes: Two units sharing a common wall.
  • Townhouses: Multiple units sharing walls, usually with shared common areas.
  • Condominiums: Individual units within a larger building, with shared amenities and maintenance fees.

2. Preparing Your Finances

Assess Your Financial Health

  • Credit Score: Ensure your credit score is in good shape as it affects mortgage approval and interest rates.
  • Savings: Save for a down payment (usually 5-20% of the home price), closing costs (1-4%), and moving expenses.

Mortgage Pre-Approval

  • Shop Around: Compare mortgage rates and terms from various lenders.
  • Pre-Approval: Get pre-approved for a mortgage to know your budget and show sellers you’re serious.

3. Choosing the Right Neighborhood

Factors to Consider

  • Proximity to Work and Amenities: Consider commute times, schools, parks, and shopping centers.
  • Neighborhood Safety: Research crime rates and community resources.
  • Future Development: Check for planned infrastructure projects or new developments that may affect property values.

4. Working with a Real Estate Agent

Finding an Agent

  • Recommendations: Ask for referrals from friends and family.
  • Research: Look for agents with good reviews and experience in Calgary’s market.

Benefits of an Agent

  • Market Knowledge: Agents provide insights into local market conditions.
  • Negotiation Skills: They can negotiate on your behalf to get the best deal.
  • Paperwork Handling: Agents manage the complex documentation process.

5. Searching for a Home

Online Listings and Open Houses

  • MLS Listings: Use Multiple Listing Service (MLS) websites for the most comprehensive listings.
  • Open Houses: Attend open houses to get a feel for different properties and neighborhoods.

Home Features Checklist

  • Must-Haves: List essential features (e.g., number of bedrooms, bathrooms, yard size).
  • Nice-to-Haves: List desirable but non-essential features.

6. Making an Offer

Offer Price

  • Comparable Sales: Look at recent sales of similar homes in the area to determine a fair offer price.
  • Market Conditions: Adjust your offer based on whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market.

Terms and Conditions

  • Conditions: Include conditions like financing approval, home inspection, and sale of your current home.
  • Deposit: Be prepared to provide a deposit with your offer, which shows your commitment.

7. Home Inspection and Appraisal

Home Inspection

  • Purpose: Identifies potential issues or repairs needed.
  • Hiring an Inspector: Choose a certified home inspector with good reviews.


  • Lender Requirement: Lenders usually require an appraisal to ensure the home’s value matches the loan amount.
  • Impact on Mortgage: The appraisal affects the maximum loan amount you can get.

8. Closing the Deal

Final Walk-Through

  • Purpose: Ensure the property is in the agreed-upon condition before closing.

Closing Costs

  • Legal Fees: Pay for legal services to finalize the transaction.
  • Title Insurance: Protects against issues with property title.
  • Adjustments: Cover any property taxes or utility adjustments.

9. Moving In

Moving Plan

  • Hire Movers: Compare moving companies or consider a DIY move.
  • Update Address: Notify important parties (e.g., banks, government agencies) of your new address.

Settling In

  • Utilities and Services: Set up or transfer utilities, internet, and other services.
  • Home Improvements: Plan and budget for any immediate improvements or repairs.


Buying a home in Calgary requires careful planning and consideration. By understanding the market, preparing your finances, and working with professionals, you can navigate the process smoothly and find the home that meets your needs. Remember, patience and thorough research are key to making a sound investment in your future.